Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Day 77- Dreams Realized

My flight departed at 7:30 AM, so it was an early rise for the trip to the airport. Matt was awesome enough to get up early and drive me to the airport, and he dropped me off with just enough time to check in and board after a paltry 20 minutes of waiting.

It was a brief flight to Halifax, lasting only about an hour and a half, so I arrived very shortly. My parents happily greeted me at the airport; relieved that I was back. A four hour car ride later, I was home, and my journey was finished after two and a half months of biking.

It is hard to believe all that has happened, and all the places Ive been this summer. Looking back on the earlier stages of the trip, they feel like a lifetime ago, even though it has only been two and a half months. Its hard to believe so much has occured in such short time frame. I have seen incredible places I could only imagine beforehand, met many amazing individuals across the country and shared a piece of their life storey, and gained an intimate appreciation for the spectacular country we live in. I am quite proud of how far I have come, and all the hardships I overcame along the way. I feel thay they have made me a more resiliant person, and now anytime a challenge seems too big, I can just remember these times and find that I have the strength to get by. I have realized one grand dream, but it is only the beginning, as there is so much left to see and do. I need only set my sights on them.

Having been back a week now, I find myself missing life on the road greatly. Being back in everyday life is like a bizzare system shock. I also feel a little bit of the emptiness you feel when a really good book comes to an end. The great thing about these stories though, is that there always new ones to be found.

1 comment:

  1. dude, i'm so proud of you. Congratulations. Pretty goddamn impressive.
