Saturday, 2 June 2012

Day 32- Taking it Easy

I slept in until around 7:30 today before getting up to start my day. While I completed my morning routine, another camper came over and talked to me briefly. It turns out he had completed a bike trip from Montreal to Vancouver around 8 years ago, and he was interested in my own experiences.

I hit the road by 8:30, and I could feel right away that my legs were rather sore and tired from yesterday's impromptu Iron Man challenge. Good thing I was planning on having a short 107 KM day to Ignace anyway. It is really weird that 107 KM is noe considered to be a short day. I took it pretty easy too, strolling done the road at a leisurely pace. It was already getting hot since I slept in, so I definitely felt like taking it slow today.

I cruised along all day  in the sunny weather, through more boreal forest. The highway took me away from the lakes a little today, but theyll be back, and I keep hearing that the section lining Lake Superior is as spectacular as it is challenging. Apparently there are some pretty horrific hills around that area to look forward to. And just like that, I promenaded through a rather hot 107 KM to Ignace. A rather short and relaxing day.

Along the way I ran into two cyclists, their bikes loaded with gear much like my own. They were biking from Montreal to Vancouver. From the people I have encountered, it seems like a lot of people from Quebec skip the Maritimes when they bike across Canada, which is kind of disappointing. They are missing out. We spoke briefly before heading our separate ways, them with a warning about the winds to come, and me with another warning of the hills to come.

Since I had gone to Dryden yeaterday, about 40 KM past Vermillion Bay, I had hoped to see the chairity group when they passed me today. But it seems they got up quite early today, and were way past Ignace by the time I got there. It sounds like our schedules might overlap on Monday though, so we will see what happens.

I pulled into camp around 3 PM, and set up shop for a night of relaxing and reading my new Game of Thrones book. In two days I will be in Thunder Bay already!

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