Friday, 18 May 2012

Day 17- Wind and Rain and a Flat Tire, Oh My!

I could hear heavy rainfall on the roof of my tent all night, so I was concerned I might get wet, but my tent held up really well. The rain stopped long enough when I woke up at six for me to eat and pack, but it continued the instant I hit the road.

Today consisted of about 130 KM of fighting a cold headwind in the rain. It was pretty miserable. Oh and I got a flat tire I had to fix in the rain too. It was one of those days where it felt like I would never get there I was moving so slow. I knew there would be days like today, and I have had good weather up till now, but it doesnt make it any easier. I simply had to dig in and keep going, and I eventually made it, wet and tired. Not many pictures today due to the wetness not agreeing with my smart phone's complextion.

On a positive note, I saw a bunch of giant wind mills in the distance. Its nice to see at least some renewable energy in use.

I also met a coyote right on the side of the road, but he took off as soon as I yelled at him. Must have hurt his feelings.

Tomorrow I begin my detour north to Saskatoon to see Brittany and Dylan. Hopefully the weather is better. The sun seems to be coming out as it is time for it to set.

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