Saturday, 26 May 2012

Day 25- Dont Talk to Strangers with Jube Jubes in your Mouth

Slept in until 6:30 after sleeping like a rock all night. I charged my dying electronics in the bathroom while I packed and ate, and soon I was on the road.

Right off the bat the winds were higher than I would like, and they only got worse as the day progressed. Not much to really say about today, it was another torturous day of fighting the wind for 10+ hours, and all the frustration that comes with it. I keep finding myself counting every KM and every hour. This is not enjoyable, I cant wait to reach Ontario.

Near the end of the day I made the decision to pass up a campsite in hopes of making my 150 KM goal, and I soon came to regret it when I found out the next town on the roadside signs was rather far. I thought I wouldnt make it in the worsening winds and incoming rain, but luckily a tiny town named Foxwarren (cool name) popped up, so I pulled in. There was a nice little free campground among some trees that would provide some shelter from the winds, so I bunkered down there for the night.

The weather forecast is calling for 40 km/hr winds and rain tonight/tomorrow. That is terrible news!

Once piece of good news though: I passed into Manitoba today, so I am one province and one time zone closer to home!

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