Sunday, 27 May 2012

Day 26- Holed up in Foxwarren

I awoke to the sounds of heavy wind and rainfall crashing against my tent. I was dry and comfortable, but my fears of being unable to proceed today had been realized. I drifted in and out of sleep, occasionally reading, until well after lunch. I barely left the tent, feeding off of trail mix, carrot sticks, jube jubes, fruit, and peanut butter sandwichs rather than venture into the rain to cook more solid fare. I was however forced to leave to seek out water from a nearby household; I was all out and rather parched.

The fierce winds blew all afternoon, relentlessly thrashing my tent around, and even ripping the pegs holding my tent fly down out of the ground. The rains were erractic, increasing and disappearing at their own whims. I remained inside the tiny but dry confines of my tent all afternoon amd evening, reading and making needed arrangements with my contacts in Winnipeg. My delayed progress has led to complications involving my ration supplies that needed sorting out, but with a little help from friends it seems to be taken care of for now.

The 45 KM/hr winds eventually died down around 6 PM, but the rains continue to start and stop at random. The weather forecast for tomorrow looks marginally better, so hopefully I can proceed early tomorrow morning.

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